Mr. Frederico A. O. de Rezende

Frederico A. O. de Rezende
Frederico A. O. de Rezende is a lawyer, founding partner and C.E.O. of F. Rezende Consultoria Empresarial Ltd, a legal entity especialized on consulting and advisory services, acting as a Judicial Administrator (“Trustee”) in Bankruptcy and Business Reorganization process, pursuant Law 11.101/2005 (Brazilian Bankruptcy Law);
INSOL International Fellow; Vice President of IBAJUD – Instituto Brasileiro da Insolvência (Brazilian Insolvency Institute); Assistant Academic Coordinator of IBRA – Instituto Brasileiro de Rastreamento de Ativos (Brazilian Institute of Asset Tracing and Recovery)- member of TMA Brazil - Turnaround Management Association; and the Commission of Information Society Law of OAB / SP.
Professor of the extension and postgraduate courses at IBAJUD - "Instituto Brasileiro da Insolvência; at FADISP - "Faculdade Autônoma de Direito"; of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses of FMU - "Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas" since 2003; Professor of the extension courses at ESMAGIS/MT - "Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado do Mato Grosso; EMAP/PR - "Escola da Magistratura do Parana" – and UNICORP – "Universidade Corporativa do Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia".
Graduated and Master's degree in law from the FMU - "Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas" and with University Extension Courses by the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne - France, in the years 2014 and 2015; and "International Bankruptcy Program" by the California Western School of Law in 2016 and 2017; “Insolvência Empresarial no Direito Comparado” by Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” in 2018; Global Insolvency Practice Course Class 2018/2019 (Fellow INSOL International).